Browsing by Author Lubogo, Isaac Christopher

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 70  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The art of imagined conversations : exploring narrative possibilitiesLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2022-07Asexuality, Gender and the Law in UgandaLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2024Building Uganda with ingenuity: unraveling construction law - a definitive exploration of legal principles, frameworks, and practicesLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2024Building Uganda with ingenuity: unraveling construction law - a definitive exploration of legal principles, frameworks, and practicesLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2023Competitive matriculation : a guide to oral exams, aptitude tests, interviews at undergraduate, graduate and post graduate law schools : civil litigations.Lubogo, Isaac Christopher
2023Competitive matriculation : a guide to oral exams, aptitude tests, interviews at undergraduate, graduate and post graduate law schools : corporate and commercialLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2023Competitive matriculation : a guide to oral exams, aptitude tests, interviews at undergraduate, graduate and post graduate law schools : criminal law and practiceLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2023Competitive matriculation : a guide to oral exams, aptitude tests, interviews at undergraduate, graduate and post graduate law schools : family law and practiceLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2023Competitive matriculation : a guide to oral exams, aptitude tests, interviews at undergraduate, graduate and post graduate law schools : land transactionLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2021Conscience objectorLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2023Counterfeit chronicles: unmasking, exposing, and shattering the hidden underworld epidemic of fraudLubogo, Jireh Isaac; Lubogo, Israel Y.K; Lubogo, Zion Margaret; Lubogo, Isaac Christopher
2024Criminal justice system: a perspective for UgandaLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2023Current and emerging land laws, urban smart cities & eco-friendly renewable energiesLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2021Demistfying the order from above : The people versus the attorney general, when the forces extend their constitutional mandateLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2021The executive constitutional mandate: demystifying the fountain of honor : presidential power overreach UgandaLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2022-07Exorcising The Inexorcible Buganda GhostLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2024Exploring the Frontiers of GMOs, bios, and biotechnology: advancements, ethical considerations, and global implicationsLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2022Fashion, design and entertainment law in UgandaLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2024Fostering environmental harmony Uganda's path to future safeguards amidst climate changeLubogo, Isaac Christopher
2024Fractured humanity: unravelling the paradoxes of international Humanitarian Law in Africa’s contemporary conflictLubogo, Isaac Christopher