This study was conducted on school inspection and staff development in government aided secondary schools in Kabarole district. The study was based on three objectives namely: to establish the relationship between school inspection and teacher’s classroom practice, to establish the relationship between school inspection and head-teacher’s management practice and to establish the relationship between school inspection and staff promotion in secondary schools in Kabarole district. A cross Sectional Survey design was adopted where both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. The views generated from the field were rated at 85% in questionnaires and interviews. This was obtained using data collection methods and analysis was done using Pearson correlation and regression. Qualitative data was analyzed using content and thematic. The sample size was 173 respondents that were studied using Morgan formula, (1999). The targeted populations were the major stakeholders in education sector and were knowledgeable on school inspection and staff development. The findings on school inspection and staff development revealed that there is positive relationship at one percent level of significant. The study reports that lack of school inspection at school results in absenteeism, aggressive behavior, and early exits from teaching profession, poor performance of students in examinations. The study also acknowledged that school inspection improves student’s performance in the class as its checks on class room management, lesson plans prepared and usage of relevant reading materials. The findings revealed that school inspection also checks on the head-teacher practice management at school. In conclusion, school inspection is very crucial in empowering teacher’s practice at school. In schools where inspection was done, learners were able to perform well. This was because teachers enjoy their job and concentrate on the learner’s through giving internal tests, making compulsory exams for the students to check on their level of performance. The study recommends that the government should address the issue of school inspection and staff development in government aided school, the local government should improve the teaching environment as a means of improving the performance and the research recommends that the government needs to carry out community sensitization on teacher’s promotion in education Sector.