The study was about the mediation effect of motivation on
the relationship between personality competencies and the
job performance of part-time academic staff in private
universities in Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area. The
study consisted of nine chapters, namely; chapter one
which covered the introduction of the study, chapter two
which reviewed literature related to the study, chapter
three which was about the methodology used, four
covered the historical and philosophical aspects of the
study variables, particularly personality; chapters five,
six, seven and eight which dealt with the presentation,
analysis, and interpretation of data and the findings of the
study; and chapter nine which focused on the contribution
of the study to knowledge, conclusion, and
The purpose of the study was to analyze, and generate a
model about, the effect of motivation-mediated
personality on the job performance of part-time academic staff in private universities in Greater Kampala
Metropolitan Area of Uganda. The first specific objective
of the study was to analyse the relationship between
personality and motivation of part-time academic staff in
private universities in Greater Kampala Metropolitan
Area; the second objective was to assess the effect of
motivation on the job performance of part-time academic
staff in private universities in Greater Kampala
Metropolitan Area.; the third objective was to examine the
contribution of personality to the job performance of parttime academic staff in private universities in Greater
Kampala Metropolitan Area; while the fourth objective
was to determine and model the mediation effect of
motivation on the relationship between personality and
the job performance of part-time academic staff in private
universities in Kampala Metropolitan Area.