Nkumba University Repository

Welcome to the Nkumba University Institutional Digital Repository. This is the Institutional Repository of the University. It is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. It houses research material from Nkumba University which includes reviewed articles and books, dissertations and theses, technical reports and more collections.

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  • Lubogo, Isaac Christopher (2022)
    I would like to applaud Isaac Christopher Lubogo new ground breaking book on Islamic banking in Uganda I have no doubt this book will be a blessing to scholars and judiciary in understanding the signifinancy of Islamic ...
  • Lubogo, Isaac Christopher (SuiGeneris Publishing House, 2024)
    "Revolutionizing the PhD Process: A Critical Examination and Innovative Reforms" is a provocative and deeply personal book that fearlessly challenges the entrenched biases, stigma, and barriers that have long plagued ...
  • Lubogo, Isaac Christopher (SuiGeneris Publishing House, 2024)
    Reading Unshackled: Breaking Free from the Tyranny of Book Reviews by Isaac Christopher Lubogo Join the revolution! This book is a call to arms for the fearless and the curious, those who refuse to be held hostage by the ...
  • Lubogo, Isaac Christopher (Suigeneris Publishing House, 2020)
    If the legal system or a particular law is wrong or not good enough, and should be changed: if that is against the law, then the law is an ass – an idiot….said of a law that one thinks is unnecessary or ridiculous. The ...
  • Lubogo, Isaac Christopher (Suigeneris Publishing House, 2020)
    The intention of this book is to affirm the exixtence of an African God (if there is any thing like that); God the maker of a dynamaic universe. In this book, I analyse the mtyhs of various African peoples who relate ...

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