The study was about integrated patients’ information management systems model and service delivery in private Medical Centers, using Emmanuel Medical Center as a case study. The study was guided by the following objectives.
i. To find out the type of patients’ information management system used by Emmanuel Medical Center.
ii. To analyze the challenges faced by Emmanuel Medical Center in using its patients’ information management system model in its service delivery
iii. To come up with an Integrated Patients’ Information Management Systems model model for enhancing service delivery at Medical Center.
The study employed a descriptive approach that looked at patients’ information management systems and service delivery at Emmanuel Medical Center. The study used a population of 64 with a sample size of 55. Census and simple random sampling were used to select the sample. The self-administered questionnaire and Interview guide were the main data collection instruments.
Integrated Patients’ information system and service delivery in private health centers were related with significant level of r2 = 0.48 and this means that adopting an integrated patients’ information system improves 48% to service delivery. In addition, it was found out that increasing and developing the patients information system, is associated with the quality service deliveries in private health centers.
The study recommended that, Emmanuel Medical Center should provide training to staff on new technologies such as integrated patients’ information management systems and this will equip them with new skills to provide effective, efficient and accurate services. More training should be done to the data entrants so as to equip them with skills and knowledge on how to enter data into new improved systems environment. Emmanuel Medical Center should move from partially automated system to fully integrated system and this means that it should employ the use of computers in all its work. Therefore it should adopt the model developed by the researcher in figure 6.1. This will make it easier in terms of record management, time management and thus improved quality service delivery to the patients and centrally managing records for various departments at the health center.